Brion Bonkowski, Chairman

Mr. Brion Bonkowski holds a number of board appointments both in the technology area as well as in nonprofit organizations and is an active volunteer for numerous causes. He co-founded Kilimanjaro Initiative USA (KIUSA)after having climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with Kilimanjaro Initiative (KI) in 2010. Having witnessed the work of KI and their approach to assisting youth in disenfranchised communities in East Africa, he was inspired to launch KIUSA to assist youth in the New York area.

Outside of his volunteer work, Mr. Bonkowski is the CEO of Tern Commerce, a global payments technology platform and the Managing Director of the ROIPayments consultancy, both headquartered in New York City. Mr. Bonkowski is also the co-founder and serves on the Board of GrantVantage, a Microsoft software venture focused on grant management. Previously, Mr. Bonkowski was a founder and instrumental in the sale of Govedo, a San Francisco SaaS based company to a publicly traded software company in 2002.

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